The beginning of a Hero's Journey

uniquely you Oct 01, 2020

There's talents and skills I have that I have sidelined in my life. So far they have only allowed to emerge in the safe and stable world of corporate employment despite me having multiple certifications, having a very accomplished and successful mentor and years of experience on my part. 

That safe and stable cycle of my life ended last year in September, when I was made redundant. 

I was full of energy to finally launch myself into my own business, to announce to the world my unique talents, only to be frozen by fear and inaction. I grieved the loss of my work friends and social network, not yet having found my new groove as a business owner. 

Insecurities about feeling like an imposter, about how what I have to offer wouldn't be worth while or being judged and rejected by my peers came up.

Whilst what I teach and coach has made a significant positive impact in my life and anyone I worked with plus thousands of others across the world, it was still not enough for me to step out. 

Fast forward to now. Three weeks ago I joined a personal development program and came face-to-face with a much deeper level of my beliefs and what was holding me back, and in parallel was able to tap into what they call in the course "Creative Genius".

I heard the call to adventure and decided to step into another cycle of the Hero's Journey. I needed to heed that longing of emerging from the shadows in-spite of my fears.  

“I want to be in the arena. I want to be brave with my life. And when we make the choice to dare greatly, we sign up to get our asses kicked. We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time.” Brené Brown

So, here I am. I am developing a brand new course program in the personal development space that will uncover the secrets of human behaviour, learn why you do the things you do and give you kick-ass skills in how to read, communicate and connect with others. 

I have joined a intensive 12 week course development program and each week I will share what I am learning, what I am discovering about myself, the progress of program I am developing, the steps I am taking to get over myself, my roadblocks and my strategies to overcome them. 

This is my hero's journey, but perhaps it is also yours.

Perhaps you have been playing it safe, sitting on the sidelines, not wanting to put yourself out there for fear of rejection, judgement and loss of tribe.

Perhaps you have something amazing to share to the world that you have been holding back on (I trust everyone has something great inside of them) and whilst you may not be ready to do it, perhaps you would like to follow someone who is. 

I invite you to follow my journey, whether you engage with me or not, like this blog or not, repost it or not, or quietly read it and feel validated in where you are, that journey is yours to take. 

You can come back to this blog page and read the next update, or follow me on Insta or LinkedIn

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