Our Videos
This is a curated collection of videos that we have made to support our training and coaching to create outstanding teams. They cover agile, remote working techniques and coaching approaches with many more in the pipeline. Please feel free to use, distributed or comment on.
Full PoP YouTube Channel here

Liberating Structures
While this was designed for face to face facilitation, its become one of the cornerstones on how to successfully conduct remote meetings and workshops. If you are not using them yet, take a look at this simple but incredibly effective approach.
Iterative Delivery
At the heart of any "agile" delivery is the concept of iterative development. Although originally this grew out of software development, it has been embraced far and wide as a counter to the traditional waterfall approach. When people tell you it cannot be done in their area - point them to what SpaceX is doing with Rockets...!
The Scrum Guide
Most "agile" approaches have some element of Scrum these days. Scrum is easy to pick up , but hard to master. Here is the whole guide in under 15 minutes - follow along with the print version here
Visual Thinking for Distributed Teams
What technology has been able to do for remote working, training and coaching is a game changer. Sometimes though we get caught up in the technology when there are simpler and more effective ways to communicate and visually can sometimes be the best way of all.
Extended DISC
Here we explain the main key parts of an extended DISC profile assessment. If you have ever had an EDISC assessment done, you can likely not remember all of the information and key insights from the profile unpack. This short video is to guide to towards how to make the most out
The Virtual Office - Sococo
Sococo is an online workplace where distributed teams come to work together each day side by side. This is a practical overview of Sococo and how to make use of it.